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Sustainable development in Construction and Mining

Driving Sustainability and Zero Emissions in Construction and Mining Machinery

In today’s world, the imperative for sustainable practices and zero emissions in heavy construction and mining machinery is more urgent than ever. Companies are increasingly recognising the need to mitigate climate change impacts, and the heavy machinery sector is no exception. This blog explores how Larsen & Toubro’s Principal, Komatsu Ltd of Japan, one of the largest construction and mining machine manufacturer, and its subsidiaries in India and other countries are making strides towards a greener future.


Proactive Climate Change Initiatives

Komatsu, a trailblazer in the construction and mining machinery sector, has been leading the charge in addressing environmental issues. The company set the stage for proactive climate initiatives well ahead of its peers with the establishment of its Earth and Environment Policy back in 1992. In 2019, Komatsu further solidified its commitment to tackling climate change by endorsing the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.


Strategic Goals and Governance

At the core of Komatsu’s strategy lies a steadfast commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This ambitious goal is underpinned by a robust governance framework where climate-related matters are regularly reviewed by the Sustainability Promotion Committee and the Risk Management Committee. These committees provide recommendations and report to the Board of Directors, ensuring that climate strategies are integrated into the company’s core business decisions.


Innovations in Low-Carbon Products

One key strategy for achieving sustainability is the transition to low-carbon products. Komatsu has been developing electric equipment powered by electricity, batteries, and hydrogen fuel cells. For example, the company has recently introduced a concept for a medium-sized hydraulic excavator powered by a hydrogen fuel cell. This innovation is part of a broader effort to replace traditional diesel engines with cleaner alternatives.


Embracing Carbon-Neutral Fuels

In addition to electrification, Komatsu is promoting the use of carbon-neutral fuels. These include hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), which can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Komatsu’s European facilities have started using HVO as a factory-fill fuel, showcasing a practical application of sustainable fuel alternatives.


Enhancing Manufacturing Sustainability

Komatsu is also focused on reducing emissions from its manufacturing processes. The company aims to halve its Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 2030 and achieve full carbon neutrality by 2050. This involves energy conservation measures, in-house renewable energy generation, and the adoption of high-efficiency production technologies. Notably, the new seal ring factory at Komatsu’s Himi Plant is designed to cut CO2 emissions by improving process efficiency and incorporating energy-saving equipment.


Adapting to Climate Risks

Climate change poses significant risks, including increased frequency of extreme weather events. Komatsu has developed a resilient production and procurement system that includes cross-sourcing and multi-sourcing strategies. These measures ensure business continuity despite natural disasters, highlighting the company’s commitment to robust risk management.


Collaborative Efforts and Stakeholder Engagement

Sustainability is a collective effort, and Komatsu actively collaborates with stakeholders to drive environmental initiatives. The company participates in global forums like the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) and the G7 Ministers’ Meeting on Climate, Energy, and Environment. These engagements help Komatsu stay aligned with international climate goals and contribute to broader industry efforts.



The journey towards sustainability and zero emissions in heavy construction and mining machinery is challenging but essential. Komatsu’s comprehensive approach—spanning governance, product innovation, manufacturing processes, and risk management—serves as a blueprint for the industry. As companies continue to embrace these practices, the vision of a greener, more sustainable future becomes increasingly attainable.

The commitment to sustainability is not just about meeting regulatory requirements; it’s about ensuring that future generations inherit a planet capable of supporting their needs. Through innovation, strategic planning, and collaborative efforts, the heavy machinery sector can lead the way in creating a cleaner, healthier environment.

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